Learn how to line your dress
Have you discovered that the lightweight fabric of your dress is allowing your curves to show in direct sunlight? Don't panic, just line it with a suitable fabric!Posted 4 ans
Making a pretty sleeve cuff
Whether on a shirt, blouse or dress, a pretty sleeve cuff can make all the difference. It's neat rendering brings elegance and refinement to the whole outfit. It's a bit like the final touch or the icing on the cake. Let's look together at how to make a sleeve cuff and become an expert on the subject!Posted 4 ans
If curtains had eyelets...
Curtains are the finishing touch to any interior. A little luxury that can sometimes be expensive, but which adds so much life to a room. Today we're focusing on curtains with eyelets and explaining how to hang them!Posted 4 ans
Turn your sweatshirt into a work of art
If there's one thing you can't learn overnight, it's embroidery.You've certainly been able to see these artists working with dozens or even hundreds of threads, on magnificent wooden embroidery looms. Their work is golden and we envy their talent. But if embroidery is an art that combines work, taste and skill, it is above all a supreme art in the realm of patience. So for this new embroidery project, give yourself some time and don't put the cart before the horse!Posted 4 ans
Sew or re-sew a label
Is the label on your jacket untucked? Do you want to start a sewing project and are thinking of putting a label on your first creation? We'll tell you all about labels in this article!Posted 4 ans
What you need to know to sew elastic fabric
Elastic fabric is often the bête noire of novice seamstresses and sewists! In fact, it's not easy to sew and requires a bit of knowledge before you can tackle it. But don't panic, Tilli explains everything!Posted 4 ans