Customise the bottom of your jeans to make them longer
Are your jeans too short and you don't feel like wearing them any more? Have you considered lengthening them? Impossible, you think? Well, it is! There are loads of ways to lengthen your jeans and Tilli has selected a few for you! Frankly, you almost want to have jeans that are way too short just to try them out.Posted 4 ans
The War of the Buttons... Press studs!
Has the press stud on your favourite shirt failed? Don't panic, Tilli will show you how to sew a new one on.Posted 4 ans
How about making gathers with your gathering foot?
Have you just bought a beautiful ruffling presser foot for your machine but you're still not quite sure how to use it? Tilli explains it all to you!Posted 4 ans
Your jeans deserve a well-finished stocking!
Agnès and Julie have already extolled the importance of finishing in their highly instructive article on trouser hems. Today, we're following in their footsteps with a focus on the denim hem!And yes, we'll be talking here about the different options for properly finishing the bottom of your denim.Posted 4 ans
The Art of Pinroll
Called a tight hem or Pinroll, it's none other than the new trend for our Trousers and especially our sneakers! Let's find out together who it is and how to achieve it to perfection.Posted 4 ans
Cinch your blouse using the darts technique
And yes, today we're going to talk sewing and more specifically about the dart technique which allows us to constrict a garment and fit it perfectly to our silhouette. We can use darts on trousers, skirts, dresses, jackets or even coats, but this article will be devoted to blouses. Chest darts, back darts, cuff darts, discover how to achieve these adjustments and have a super-fitted blouse!Posted 4 ans