Turn your sweatshirt into a work of art
If there's one thing you can't learn overnight, it's embroidery.You've certainly been able to see these artists working with dozens or even hundreds of threads, on magnificent wooden embroidery looms. Their work is golden and we envy their talent. But if embroidery is an art that combines work, taste and skill, it is above all a supreme art in the realm of patience. So for this new embroidery project, give yourself some time and don't put the cart before the horse!Posted 4 ans
Sew or re-sew a label
Is the label on your jacket untucked? Do you want to start a sewing project and are thinking of putting a label on your first creation? We'll tell you all about labels in this article!Posted 4 ans
What you need to know to sew elastic fabric
Elastic fabric is often the bête noire of novice seamstresses and sewists! In fact, it's not easy to sew and requires a bit of knowledge before you can tackle it. But don't panic, Tilli explains everything!Posted 4 ans
How do you replace the button on your jeans?
Has the button on your jeans just popped off? Don't panic, we'll show you how to replace it in no time!Posted 4 ans
Everything you need to know about zips!
A zipper that's broken, torn or won't close. We've all had to deal with it, and sometimes it's a real headache. But should you throw away your trousers, jacket or bag? Of course not! <A zipper can be repaired and changed. We explain how here.Posted 4 ans
How can you recycle your children's clothes?
They grow up too fast... our children! We accompany them at every stage of their lives, marking them with adorable outfits that we have to change very quickly. Too quickly. In fact, between our coup de coeur purchases and gifts from family or friends, we have a slight tendency to pile up piles of clothes that, in the end, we'll use very little of! So at Tilli, we've been looking for solutions, alternatives and tips, and we're revealing all our finds below. Prepare to say goodbye to piles of clothes and boxes piling up in your attic.Posted 4 ans