What if my trousers could adapt to my new waist size?
Have you recently lost a few waistlines and are swimming in all your Trousers? Fear not, there's no need to redo your entire wardrobe! There are several methods for resizing your Trousers so that they fit your new shape perfectly. Today, we're offering you made-to-measure, because clearly, you deserve it!Posted 4 ans
Measure carefully for a perfect hem
If you're about to hem your trousers for the first time, be sure to get your measurements right first! You wouldn't want to end up with one leg shorter than the other, would you?Posted 4 ans
How can you shorten your jeans while keeping the original hem?
Are your jeans too long and you'd like to shorten them? Tilli explains how to shorten them while keeping the original hem!Posted 4 ans