Expand your coat
Have you found a great coat but it's a bit small? Let's find out together how to alter and adapt your coat so that it fits your body perfectly.Posted 4 ans
How do you shorten your skirt?
Your skirt is so long you don't want to wear it any more. You've thought about throwing it away, but its fabric is so pretty. So why not give it a makeover by shortening it to the height you want? This will show off your legs and give your skirt a second life!Posted 4 ans
A well-made hem, by hand
Today, we're showing you how to hem your trousers by hand. No need for a sewing machine! You'll see, with a little patience and attention to detail, you'll achieve exceptional results!Posted 4 ans
Abracadabra, the invisible hem!
The invisible hem is, as the name suggests, a hem that cannot be seen on the right side of the fabric. It's a great sewing classic that's important to know. There are different methods for achieving it, and some stand out for their expertise or the patience they require. In this article, you'll discover two relatively simple methods, whether you're a beginner or not.Posted 4 ans
Solutions for widening leather trousers
Ah... the leather trousers that we love so sexy and tight! But let's be honest, sometimes they're so tight you can barely walk or breathe. So can we bring a little ease to them? Tilli gives you her secrets and explains how to be comfortable in your leather.Posted 4 ans
Make your dress your own
Ah... The dress, eternal flagship piece of the feminine wardrobe. It hugs morphologies and enhances our silhouettes. What would we do without them? We should never reject a dress because its size no longer suits us or its colour seems outdated. Instead, let's celebrate the dress for what it's worth and offer it lives over and over again.Posted 4 ans