5 ideas for upcycling jeans
We all own at least several pairs. Both iconic and easy to wear, the jean is probably one of the most universal garments. But they are far from being the most environmentally friendly. Did you know that it takes up to 10,000 litres of water to make them? Fortunately, whether it's in good condition or not, there are a whole host of ways to reuse an old pair of jeans, for yourself or for the house. So before you buy new jeans, make do with what you've got. You don't need a new piece to renew yourself!Posted 4 ans
Spruce up your old denim jacket
It's time to get your old denim jackets out of the wardrobe again! Is the cut outdated? The colour a little faded? The style outdated? In short, there's something not quite right! Why not give it a new lease of life by upcycling?Posted 4 ans
Back to school with responsible backpacks
Do you remember when you were at school? Every time we went back to school, we'd hope for a new bag or customise the old one. Pennants, illustrations, plush key rings... Our backpacks had it all! Today, we may not be going back to school, but our love for the backpack is undying. In fact, it's become a must-have accessory in recent seasons and it's high time we paid tribute to it. For all these years of loyal service, we've decided to reinvent it.Posted 4 ans
Change your life, recycle your clothes
In this article, we're going to talk to you about upcycling, recycling, wardrobes full of clothes we no longer wear, mass consumption, fast-fashion and responsible fashion. So grab your notebook and pencil, today we may be changing your life and we're explaining why right now!Posted 4 ans
Beautify your old embroidered sheets
Out of fashion, too old, damaged, don't throw away your embroidered sheets, if by chance you own some! As you know, fashion is cyclical and what's tacky one day will certainly become trendy the next. Embroidery is a precious, meticulous art. It's found in many civilisations and cultures and if you're not a big fan of your old embroidered sheet, take a moment to observe it, in more detail. Look at the patterns, the colours and imagine what the story behind the fabric might be? Today, Tilli offers you a few ideas for recycling your old embroidered sheets and giving them a second life.Posted 4 ans
Recycle your old T-shirts
There's usually no shortage of T-shirts in our wardrobes. In fact, half of them should be thrown away... Sorry, did you say "thrown away"? It's true, t-shirts are getting slack, losing their sparkle and sometimes even the big pineapple print on them is completely out of fashion. But the t-shirt is one of those we don't throw away.Firstly because it can still, as a last resort, be used as a window cloth, but above all because with a little imagination, we can transform it and restore it to its number one place in our dressing room.Posted 4 ans