Which hem should I choose for a tablecloth?
Would you like to sew your next tablecloth but don't know which hem to choose for the Finishing touches? Here are the three most commonly used hems!Posted 4 ans
How do you sew pretty flaps onto your curtains?
Let's find out today how to give your curtains an attractive finishing touch with tabs. Simple, double, with tassels or otherwise, tabs bring a certain refinement and simplicity to your curtains. You'll also get impeccable straight fall and an even wave on your curtain.Posted 4 ans
3 ways to hang your curtains
There are so many different curtains to choose from that it can be hard to find your way around. In this article, we'll suggest three ways to hang your curtains, with tabs, eyelets or knots!Posted 4 ans
If curtains had eyelets...
Curtains are the finishing touch to any interior. A little luxury that can sometimes be expensive, but which adds so much life to a room. Today we're focusing on curtains with eyelets and explaining how to hang them!Posted 4 ans
How to sew your double curtains?
That's it, you've finally decided to sew your living room curtains. And because you don't do things by halves, you've opted for double curtains.It's a good idea, they'll have more hold and better opacity. Go and get that fabric you've been crushing on! Tilli tells you how to sew your curtains to perfection and give your home a crazy charm.Posted 4 ans
How can you shorten your curtains without cutting them?
After the article on sewing double curtains, today Tilli explains how to shorten your curtains that are too long without cutting them. In fact, your curtains may one day occupy another window and it may be a good idea to preserve their length using some relatively simple little tricks!Posted 4 ans