How about making gathers with your gathering foot?
Have you just bought a beautiful ruffling presser foot for your machine but you're still not quite sure how to use it? Tilli explains it all to you!Posted 4 ans
Learn how to re-zip your broken fasteners
On trousers, jackets, handbags, zippers are everywhere.So when one of them decides to give up the ghost, we tend to conclude that it's a goner and we've got to throw it all in the garbage can! Wrong! Zippers can be changed, and we've decided to tell you how.Posted 4 ans
How do I enlarge clothes that are too small?
Have your clothes shrunk in the wash? Perhaps they went into the tumble dryer by mistake? Yes, at first glance, that sounds pretty catastrophic! But fear not, with a bit of luck, this careless mistake will be nothing but a bad memory after reading this article.Posted 4 ans
Learn how to sew pretty gathers
Gathering fabric is an essential sewing technique, but it can be scary. What if the thread breaks in the middle of your petticoat? Today, Tilli explains how to sew your gathers properly to ensure you get the best result.Posted 4 ans