Making a pretty sleeve cuff
Whether on a shirt, blouse or dress, a pretty sleeve cuff can make all the difference. It's neat rendering brings elegance and refinement to the whole outfit. It's a bit like the final touch or the icing on the cake. Let's look together at how to make a sleeve cuff and become an expert on the subject!Posted 4 ans
Sew or re-sew a label
Is the label on your jacket untucked? Do you want to start a sewing project and are thinking of putting a label on your first creation? We'll tell you all about labels in this article!Posted 4 ans
What you need to know to sew elastic fabric
Elastic fabric is often the bête noire of novice seamstresses and sewists! In fact, it's not easy to sew and requires a bit of knowledge before you can tackle it. But don't panic, Tilli explains everything!Posted 4 ans
Everything you need to know about zips!
A zipper that's broken, torn or won't close. We've all had to deal with it, and sometimes it's a real headache. But should you throw away your trousers, jacket or bag? Of course not! <A zipper can be repaired and changed. We explain how here.Posted 4 ans
The art of creating pretty ties
In this article, we're going to talk about fasteners, those super-practical little accessories that allow us to carry everything around. Our bag, our mobile phone, our wallet, ... Can we sew any kind of fastener onto any kind of support, and how do we go about it? Tilli explains it all!Posted 4 ans
The War of the Buttons... Press studs!
Has the press stud on your favourite shirt failed? Don't panic, Tilli will show you how to sew a new one on.Posted 4 ans