Your skirt is so long you don't want to wear it any more. You've thought about throwing it away, but its fabric is so pretty. So why not give it a makeover by shortening it to the height you want?
This will show off your legs and give your skirt a second life!
Assuming your skirt has a relatively simple cut, hemming it will be an extra easy way to shorten it.
In fact, all you'll need to do is unstitch the original hem, cut off the excess fabric and hem it again. It's that simple!
Be careful not to cut too short, and to do this, be sure to take into account the measurements of the new hem (approx. 2cm), which you can trace in addition to the cutting line.
So, how short are you going to cut it?
If your skirt has pretty ruffles or embroidery on the bottom, you'll find it much harder to simply cut and rehem.
To do this, you'll have to tackle the size of your skirt and there, it's a lot less obvious.
The work required will obviously depend on how the waist is cut and fitted. Is there a buttonhole, a zip? All these elements will be decisive.
We then advise you to call on one of our Tillistes to present your skirt model and define together the most appropriate way to take up your skirt.