How can you customise your T-shirt with just a pair of scissors?
Tilli is taking up the challenge and today presents four ways to customise your t-shirt in less than two, using just one accessory: the scissors.Posted 4 ans
How do I sew sleeves onto a top?
You're desperate to sew yourself that little top you saw in the latest Vogue but you're terrified of its sleeves!They look so intricate. And how do you put sleeves on a top? Tilli explains it all in this article, fear not, soon sleeves will hold no secrets for you!Posted 4 ans
Sew your first top!
What if you set out to make your first top? As you'd expect, there are tons of different patterns depending on the style you want, so to get you started, we'd like to suggest making a basic jersey top! You can personalise it later and give it a unique touch.Posted 4 ans