Upcycling winter dress

Is your woollen dress lacking in charm, outdated in cut or perhaps even stained?

Here are a few tips to give it a second life and create a new outfit you'll love.

Chunky knitted jumper

Turn your winter dress into a big, warm jumper

While your dress may look a little dated, the chunky winter jumper is timeless. And the chunkier the knit, the more we love it!

Cut your dress at the top of the thighs, at hip level or why not even higher up for a short but super warm little jumper.

The difficulty here is obviously to
stitch the knit properly once cut.

If you've never done it before, please contact us!
Our Tillists are at your disposal and will be happy to help.

Believe us, take it easy, you wouldn't want to find yourself in your knickers with -5°C outside!

A super mega-stylish, upcycled outfit thanks to your winter dress

If your dress has enough length, you can cut it in half to create a really hot two-piece outfit.

Depending on your style and sewing skills, you could opt for
the skirt or shorts.

But either way, this outfit will look very very pretty.

In fact, something tells us that it will very quickly become a favourite in your dressing room!

Knitted jumper and shorts
Knitted halter dress

Enhance the back of your dress

Who said you had to cover up in winter?

If you want to keep the length of your dress, you can
redraw the back and give yourself a pretty bare back.

This will bring
a lot of style to your dress and will undoubtedly make you extremely sexy.

You can see all the things you can do with a winter dress, isn't it crazy?
If you're new to sewing,
don't be afraid to try. You've got to start somewhere.
Check out our blog, we regularly write articles that will inspire you and
give you the keys to start wonderful upcycling projects.
And if upcycling a garment still seems too complicated,
why not start with a tote bag for example?
Whatever you decide, if you have the slightest question or doubt, contact us! Our team is here for you and frankly,
wouldn't it be super fun to meet up?
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

No time to start sewing?

Checkyour home
Checkwho can advise and help you recycle and personalise your dressing room
Checkcarries out transformations in its workshop
Checket livre le vêtement après transformations chez vous

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