Upcycling denim heart

Whether your heart's set on it or not, you're going to love these seventies-influenced jeans with their clear message of love.

Flared jeans with heart-shaped holes along the leg, highlighted with red thread

Designer clothes to suit your budget

Did you always think that tailor-made clothes and beautiful pieces were only for the privileged?

you're wrong. Today, thanks to recycling and upcycling, you too can wear unique pieces with sharp style.

All you have to do is
sort through your closets and reinvent your wardrobe from what you already have.

If you lack imagination or fancy creating garments whose sewing techniques require professional skills, then you can
call on our service, but again, know that it won't cost you an arm and a leg. Take a look at our rates and you'll see that we're no more expensive than a neighbourhood retoucher. In other words, you won't pay any more than if you went to the shops except that what you wear then will be entirely unique and imagined tailor-made, just for you.

Flared jeans with heart-shaped holes along the leg, highlighted with red thread

Upcycling love: hearts cut out of your jeans

Here, our team of Tillistes suggest you personalise your old jeans by giving them a very assertive style. To do this, we'll come cut hearts into the fabric and along the entire length of the leg.

We could stop there, but adding
coloured topstitching will lift the contours of the shape and accentuate the unique style of these jeans.

You can totally imagine this upcycling with another shape if hearts aren't your cup of tea.

Ready to cut holes in your jeans? Make an appointment with one of our Tillistes and give your denim a whole new look.
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

No time to start sewing?

Checkyour home
Checkwho can advise and help you recycle and personalise your dressing room
Checkcarries out transformations in its workshop
Checket livre le vêtement après transformations chez vous

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