You've got your man's shirt back but aren't quite sure what to do with it or how to wear it?
Check out our upcycling suggestion with a pretty two-piece dress for this summer.
In upcycling, there's no gender. What's his can be hers, and vice versa. Indeed, since we recycle, transform and personalize, we can use any type of clothing.
Mixing your dressing room with your man's becomes a real game, doubling the creative possibilities.
A shirt that becomes a dress or skirt, a sweater that becomes a crop-top, trousers that become shorts... the possibilities are endless.
Frankly, isn't this the sexiest couture project you've ever been offered?
Sure, today we're telling you how to transform a man's shirt into a hyper-feminine summer dress but we're also offering you the chance to wear your man's shirt as close to your body as possible. And that, is priceless.
Here's some hyper-personalupcycling, almost even intimate.
To complete this project, you'll only need one thing: a men's shirt!
The rest is up to us. We'll cut the shirt into two pieces, one for the top, the other for the bottom, the idea being to create a pretty crop top and a skirt, both tailored to your size.
We can imagine different designs and shapes for this upcycling, depending on your style.