A first in France: The Textile Eco-Score includes a sustainability coefficient based on brand repair services!

Starting this autumn, the French will be able to find out the ecological footprint of their clothing with Ecobalyse, the new French environmental indicator.

And good news: brands offering repair services for their products will benefit from a bonus on their environmental rating!

Ecobalyse will give each item of clothing an environmental rating, taking into account factors such as origin, material, price and repairability. Each item will carry a score on its label, ranging from zero to infinity, reflecting its impact on the planet. The lower the score, the more limited the environmental impact of the product.

Just as price reflects the "financial cost" of products, environmental labelling aims to reflect the "environmental cost" of goods sold.

➕ How will this score be calculated?

The calculation of the ecological footprint of garments will be based on life cycle analyses, including greenhouse gas emissions, microfiber release and garment durability.

It will also take into account the practices of fashion brands, such as range breadth, average time on the market, displayed traceability, and repair incentives.

Textile repair included in environmental display criteria for fashion

The sustainability coefficient calculated for each product will take into account 5 criteria, including a repair incentive criterion, which will weigh most heavily in the overall score.

The sustainability coefficient will range from 0.5 to 1.5.
A product with a coefficient of 0.5 will see its overall environmental score multiplied by 2.
A product with a coefficient of 1.5 will have its score divided by 1.5.

The repair incentive criterion has two components:

1 - a ratio between the average cost of repair and the product's reference selling price.
For example: a T-shirt selling for €20 or less will score 0% on this criterion. At a selling price of €30 or more, it will score 100%.

2 - Whether or not the brand selling the product offers a repair or warranty service.
Any brand offering a repair service will score 100% on this criterion, 0% otherwise.

Textile repair included in environmental display criteria for fashion

Ecobalyse will come into force in autumn 2024, and should pave the way for a European rating system planned for 2025.

To anticipate this now and optimise the score of your products, contact us ▶ partenariat@tilli.fr


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