Shortening a dress

To give your old dress a makeover or simply to transform its cut, you can shorten it. In most cases, this modification is easy to do. We explain how.

Green floral midi-length dress

Before you get started, a few precautions need to be taken!

First of all, make sure you have the necessary skills to shorten your dress. You don't want to ruin everything by cutting it the wrong way! Also, remember that once cut, it will be much harder to make up for a dress that's too short than one that's too long. So make several checks throughout the process.

A hem to match your dress

The easiest way when you want to shorten your dress is to hem it.

By hand or machine,
the choice of hem will depend on the shape of your dress and its material. For example, for a light cotton dress, a simple hem will be used, whereas for a dress with a very thick fabric, extra-strength tape will be used.

Button-up short dress
Lightweight lined dress

How do I shorten a lined dress?

Don't panic, if your dress is lined, shortening it won't be any more complicated per se. It's just that there will be two hems to do and therefore twice as much work: one hem for the fabric of your dress and another for its lining.

But don't chew over the work: each one must be done to perfection if you want the result to be up to scratch.

You're about to learn all about hems! If you haven't yet, take a look at our article on trouser hems. This too is an essential sewing technique to know.

And regarding your dress to shorten, if you're in any doubt, just ask us!
We've got a great team of sewists at your disposal.
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

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