Sewing a straight skirt belt

Skirts generally feature a belt. This helps to mark the waist and give your skirt a good fit. To ensure the belt's strength and perfect finishing, a thick, rigid interlining is used in addition.

Find out
how to apply this interfacing and ensure a perfectly fitted belt.

Black flared midi skirt with pleats

Prepare the belt of your skirt

A belt always goes on last, after the zipper if there is one. Also, you'll always cut the belt straight.

To cut the belt, draw a rectangle the length of your waistline + 6 cm. This extra margin will allow for ease (approx. 1.5 cm), seam values (2 cm) and if you wish to make an underlap (approx. 2.5 cm).

For belt width, use any width you like, double it and add 2 cm for seam allowance.

Then prepare your interfacing: it will have the same dimensions as your final belt, i.e. without the doubled measurements and without the 2 cm seam allowance.

Thermobond the interfacing to your belt.

Mount the belt on your skirt

Spin the belt onto your skirt, right sides together. If too much fabric protrudes, you'll cut it off later.

Stitch with a machine.

To get a good finish,
remember to iron your seams as you go, on the reverse.

If you'd like to add a zipper or buttonhole, fold the unstitched edge 1 cm inwards, then topstitch or hand-stitch with sliding stitches.

White and blue striped pencil skirt with front button opening
You'll certainly have seen that there are different types of belts for your skirt, depending on the material of the skirt but also on whether you use a zipper or a buttonhole. The latter will make the task a little trickier but don't worry, nothing is infeasible.
And if you've got scraps of fabric at home left over or you're not happy with the belt you made yourself for your skirt,
don't hesitate to call on one of our Tillistes. He'll be happy to upcycle your existing belt or customize it.
Have you read our other articles on skirts? They include
how to double them, how to extend their length and for the savviest among you, how to make one all on your own, from A to Z :-)
In short, it's a chance
to learn lots of cool stuff about skirts and as the fine weather is already here, don't delay!
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

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