How do I sew a skirt?
The fine weather is arriving, and with it our desire for lightness and freedom. It's the perfect time to launch some sewing projects, and among them, we'd like to talk to you about skirts! Short, long, straight, flared, puffed, pleated, the skirt remains one of the clothes that symbolise women, sometimes flush with the ground, sometimes flush with the buttocks! Let's take a look together how to choose and sew your next skirt.Posted 4 ans
How do you shorten your skirt?
Your skirt is so long you don't want to wear it any more. You've thought about throwing it away, but its fabric is so pretty. So why not give it a makeover by shortening it to the height you want? This will show off your legs and give your skirt a second life!Posted 4 ans
How to sew a belt on your skirt?
Skirts generally feature a belt. This helps to mark the waist and give your skirt a good fit. To ensure the belt's strength and perfect finishing, a thick, rigid interlining is used in addition. Find out how to apply this interfacing and ensure a perfectly fitted belt.Posted 4 ans
Double up on your skater skirt
There were summers when the flared skirt, also known as the skater skirt, dethroned the ultra-tight shorts. The fantastic thing about the flared skirt is that it adapts to many body types: petite, tall, slim or luscious. To keep it from riding up your thighs and to give it a quality lift, consider doubling it. We explain how!Posted 4 ans