The shirt for beginners
Sewing a shirt is a complicated job, but it's also the dream of many of us. So today, we're explaining how to sew a shirt that's ultra simple and accessible to beginner seamstresses.Posted 4 ans
A shirt just your size
Whether it's you, ladies, or you, gentlemen, shirts often need a few minor alterations to ensure they fit perfectly. Just like a jacket, the shirt adds a great deal of elegance to an outfit. Here we present the different types of alterations you might face after buying a shirt.Posted 4 ans
Cinch your blouse using the darts technique
And yes, today we're going to talk sewing and more specifically about the dart technique which allows us to constrict a garment and fit it perfectly to our silhouette. We can use darts on trousers, skirts, dresses, jackets or even coats, but this article will be devoted to blouses. Chest darts, back darts, cuff darts, discover how to achieve these adjustments and have a super-fitted blouse!Posted 4 ans
Men's special: how to shorten your shirt sleeves?
Gentlemen, today we're focusing on you and your shirt! In this article, you'll discover how to shorten the sleeves of your new favourite shirt and get a made-to-measure fit.Posted 4 ans