How to sew pretty straps on your dress?
Thin, thick, straight or crossed, there are many types of straps. Which ones should you choose? And how do you sew them onto your dress? Tilli explains it all.Posted 4 ans
Learn how to re-zip your broken fasteners
On trousers, jackets, handbags, zippers are everywhere.So when one of them decides to give up the ghost, we tend to conclude that it's a goner and we've got to throw it all in the garbage can! Wrong! Zippers can be changed, and we've decided to tell you how.Posted 4 ans
How can you give your too-small jumper a new lease of life?
Has your sheep's wool jumper been in the tumble dryer? Have you gone up a few sizes and can't get your favourite jumper on any more? Don't panic, there are solutions to these inconveniences and we explain everything below.Posted 4 ans
What if my trousers could adapt to my new waist size?
Have you recently lost a few waistlines and are swimming in all your Trousers? Fear not, there's no need to redo your entire wardrobe! There are several methods for resizing your Trousers so that they fit your new shape perfectly. Today, we're offering you made-to-measure, because clearly, you deserve it!Posted 4 ans
Show off your legs this summer
To give your old dress a makeover or simply to transform its cut, you can shorten it. In most cases, this modification is easy to do. We explain how.Posted 4 ans
How do you lengthen a dress that's too short?
Your dress is too short and because of this detail, you don't wear it anymore. What a shame! What if we told you that there were different ways to correct this length? What if we told you that after reading this article, you'll have all the keys in hand to learn how to lengthen your dress yourself? Come on, let's not waste any time, we'll explain it all below.Posted 4 ans