Sew your first top!
What if you set out to make your first top? As you'd expect, there are tons of different patterns depending on the style you want, so to get you started, we'd like to suggest making a basic jersey top! You can personalise it later and give it a unique touch.Posted 4 ans
Zip up your fly!
It's often you gentlemen who can be seen with your fly open. But let's be honest, it happens to women too. Over time, the fly on our jeans tends to get stuck, slip or even break. Here are some tips on how to repair them.Posted 4 ans
Repair the little clothing snags of everyday life
A cigarette hole, a sharp doorknob, a dog bite and snap, your favorite trousers are torn! Don't be sad, Tilli offers to fix it all in style. Discover below our tips for repairing all your little everyday clothing snags.Posted 4 ans
Does a torn zip need changing?
If you use your zip too much, the bottom part may tear, preventing the pull tab from engaging. What should you do if this happens? Tilli explains it all!Posted 4 ans
Get rid of little snags on your Trousers
Tearing trousers can be very embarrassing, especially if it happens in the crotch area. There's no need to panic if this happens. If you've been following Tilli for a while, you know that everything is repairable or transformable. So check out our tips for saving the life of your trousers!Posted 4 ans
Oh Maille God, there's a hole in my woollen jumper!
A hole in a woollen jumper is like a cake without chocolate: it's a disaster! The end of the world! But does that mean we should throw away our jumper and start mourning? Well, no! Tilli explains how to repair the hole and preserve your favourite jumper!Posted 4 ans