Solutions for widening leather trousers
Ah... the leather trousers that we love so sexy and tight! But let's be honest, sometimes they're so tight you can barely walk or breathe. So can we bring a little ease to them? Tilli gives you her secrets and explains how to be comfortable in your leather.Posted 4 ans
Make your dress your own
Ah... The dress, eternal flagship piece of the feminine wardrobe. It hugs morphologies and enhances our silhouettes. What would we do without them? We should never reject a dress because its size no longer suits us or its colour seems outdated. Instead, let's celebrate the dress for what it's worth and offer it lives over and over again.Posted 4 ans
How do you make your coat longer?
Is your coat too short and you want to make it longer? Is this really possible? Tilli explains it all to you, and here she suggests various methods for giving length back to your beloved coat.Posted 4 ans
A dress just your size
You've fallen for a magnificent designer dress or a rare vintage model, but the problem is that it's too big! Don't panic, here's how to take a dress that's too large and adapt it to your measurements.Posted 4 ans
How to sew a belt on your skirt?
Skirts generally feature a belt. This helps to mark the waist and give your skirt a good fit. To ensure the belt's strength and perfect finishing, a thick, rigid interlining is used in addition. Find out how to apply this interfacing and ensure a perfectly fitted belt.Posted 4 ans
The shirt for beginners
Sewing a shirt is a complicated job, but it's also the dream of many of us. So today, we're explaining how to sew a shirt that's ultra simple and accessible to beginner seamstresses.Posted 4 ans