Recycled denim bag

You may have already discovered our article on jean tote bags or the one on recycled fabric bags? Today, we've decided to focus on the denim bag.

We've got three great ideas for transforming your old jeans and creating your own handbag, backpack and travel bag!
A small collection of 100% denim and 100% upcycled leather goods!

A stylish denim handbag

Ah the handbag! It's a bit like all our babies, isn't it?

It's not always easy to find one that suits us perfectly, so at Tilli we thought you could make one from what you've already got at home!

The choice is yours when it comes to shape. We're going for the purse bag, also known as the bucket bag. So cute.

In a pretty light denim, the look is just top notch!

Recycled denim purse bag
Source:Favor and fern
Recycled denim backpack
Source:Nee Who

An ultra-feminine city backpack

We're sticking with relatively light denim for this couture project! Darker denim is by no means out of the question, but depending on the season, one or the other may be more appropriate!

With denim, be careful not to go for over-the-top designs and avoid mixing materials that could make your new bag look tacky.

To put it plainly, try as hard as you can to stay sober.

Denim means first-class travel

There's nothing more fashionable than a duffel bag, don't you think?

The standard may be a little high, but that's what we're here for!
You can show this lovely idea to one of our Tillists and design your bag of tomorrow together.

Bali, Bombay or even Stonetown,
denim stands up to all climates and all seasons.

Travel duffel bag
So, have you made your choice?
Personally, we've decided to do all three! It's going to be an exclusive collection of denim bags that nobody else will have!
Isn't that one of the joys of upcycling?
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

No time to start sewing?

Checkyour home
Checkwho can advise and help you recycle and personalise your dressing room
Checkcarries out transformations in its workshop
Checket livre le vêtement après transformations chez vous

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