Recycling clothes

In this article, we're going to talk to you about upcycling, recycling, wardrobes full of clothes we no longer wear, mass consumption, fast-fashion and responsible fashion.
So grab your notebook and pencil, today
we may be changing your life and we're explaining why right now!

Dressmaker taking a customer's measurements

Fashion, a costly industry

Ladies, the figure is big: 30kg of clothing is what we French women buy on average every year!

Overwhelmed by advertising and encouraged to consume more and more, over the years we've created needs that are completely useless in terms of human fulfilment. We're not going to go through the pyramid of needs developed by Maslow again, but for those of you who don't know yet,
no, buying clothes doesn't make you happier!

It's all about over-consumption and beliefs that, to be recognised, we need to buy regularly and be at the cutting edge of fashion.

But what is our wardrobe worth compared to our true Mother, the Earth? The truth, as you know, is that she's worth nothing, and yet today the textile industry is being fiercely criticised, and rightly so.

Know that your household owns, on average, €114 worth of clothes that will never be worn.And to finish off with the pesky figures, remember that France throws away, every year, €442 million worth of clothes. Just like that. Gone.

So the hard part being said, you'll understand why, today,
many brands and individuals are fighting to develop sustainable, ecological and responsible fashion.

And Thanks God, that's the case with Tilli!

Upcycled patchwork jeans

Recycling your clothes, a small gesture for mankind, a big gesture for the planet

<At Tilli, as you know, we're committed to offering you a different kind of fashion, with sincere and powerful messages.

Through our articles, we're constantly inviting you to upcycle and recycle your old clothes. And it looks like we're not doing too badly! Behind it all, there's a message bigger than your style, a philosophy and a lifestyle, which you could well adopt tomorrow. When you buy consciously, learn to sort, start recycling, it's automatic: you buy less. And when we buy less, we appreciate it better. This is what we call a virtuous circle.

Recycling what we can recycle, within our means, allows us, on our own scale, to participate in a much larger movement. That of protecting nature and all the living beings that live on our planet.

Basic front jumper
Bare-back jumper

Recycle your clothes, not your style

Recycling your wardrobes doesn't mean you'll look like a style-less eco hippie. Today, upcycling has become a new trend in its own right, and it's amazing to discover all the possibilities it offers us. Rather than buying, you have the opportunity to create and make your own objects, accessories or clothes. You fashion yourself a unique wardrobe, in your own image. Exclusive pieces whose value is no longer commercial but sentimental. You give yourself the opportunity to develop your creativity and bring out the artist in you.

Recycling, like anything else, can't be learned in a day. It's a new way of life that will take you time but, in return, save you money and, above all, make you extremely proud of yourself.

You don't need to be an expert in design or sewing, you can start with small things.

And for those of you who don't have the time or need the sharp eye of the expert, Tilli is here!
Our team of Tillists are here to help, whatever idea you have in mind.
Let's embark on this great adventure together and bring to life fashion whose ideals make respectable and responsible sense.
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

No time to start sewing?

Checkyour home
Checkwho can advise and help you recycle and personalise your dressing room
Checkcarries out transformations in its workshop
Checket livre le vêtement après transformations chez vous

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