How do I shorten the sleeve of a man's shirt?

Gentlemen, today we're focusing on you and your shirt!
In this article, you'll discover
how to shorten the sleeves of your new favourite shirt and get a made-to-measure fit.

Basic men's shirt
Source:Ralph Lauren

Sleeves to suit you

Before anything else, of course, you need to take your measurements and when we're talking about a sleeve, we're talking about your arm. So make a note of the new measurements you'll need to apply to your sleeve taking care to leave a little margin for the seam.

Undo the cuff of your shirt

And here's the second step. To shorten your sleeve, obviously we're not going to cut into the cuff but into the fabric of the forearm, otherwise known as the sleeve. To do this, you'll need to disassemble the cuff, therefore unstitching the entire seam. And do this with a quick but careful seam ripper. The cuff should not be damaged.

Untucked shirt cuff
Source:Heather Handmade
Check shirt

How do you sew your sleeve to the right length?

Then cut off the excess fabric on the sleeve. Be careful here not to make a mistake. It's always easier to shorten than to lengthen!

Then place the cuff on the sleeve and mark with pins. You're ready for the final seam!Once you've finished this sleeve, you can move on to the second.

And here we are, your sleeves are shortened and the length is now perfect!

You've become your own tailor. That's class, isn't it?


If ever
you've completely messed up on this operation and your shirt sleeve is ruined, you have several options:

1. If you don't know much about sewing, the first thing to do is give us a call!
We have a very special team of Tillists. They're here for you and unlike you, they're super talented at sewing ;-)

2. Good news, your shirt isn't lost. You can
upcycle it into a pretty dress for Madame or children's clothing!

3. If you don't have a wife or kids, you can always make old tea towels with it!

A little humour never hurts.

We do hope, though, that you've managed to shorten the sleeves on your shirt. And if you have any doubts, again, let us know.
Helping you is what we do.

Sewing workshop
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

No time to start sewing?

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