How do I sew a top?

What if you set out to make your first top?
As you'd expect, there are tons of different patterns depending on the style you want, so to get you started, we'd like to suggest
making a basic jersey top!

You can personalise it later and give it a unique touch.

Checked jersey top

The materials you need to make your top

To make your top, you'll need a sewing machine, thread (in the colour of your fabric), scissors, a ruler and fabric!

We're suggesting jersey here but
you can choose any fabric you like.

Take your measurements carefully and add 50 centimetres to the total yardage, just to be on the safe side. For a top, 1 metre should be enough.

Use a pattern or a reference top

To trace and cut your fabric, you can use a reference pattern or simply a top you already have and whose cut you're completely happy with.

Trace the outline of your pattern on the fabric, adding 1cm for the seam values.

Remember to trace each part of your top: the back, the front, the two sleeves. Take particular care with the collar and armholes.

Then cut it all out.

Cactus T-shirt
Source:Brown Paper Bag
Bi-material top

Sew your top

Pin the pieces together to prepare them for sewing.

You'll start by
sewing the sleeves, then the body (the side + shoulders).

Then serge all your seams to get
nice Finishing (if you don't have a serger, a nice machine zigzag stitch will do just fine).

All that's left is to join the sleeves to the body of the top and finish with a hem!

And that's it! Your top is ready!
You see, it wasn't that difficult!
We invite you to
start with inexpensive fabric. You'll be able to splurge once you've mastered sewing techniques.
If you've chosen a plain fabric and the shape of your top is also relatively simple,
don't hesitate to personalize your top to give it a personal touch. An illustration done with textile paint, a pretty embroidery done by one of our Tilliste embroiderers, a denim pocket, ...
There are so many possibilities!
Let loose and give free rein to your creativity!
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

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