How do I sew a press stud?

Has the press stud on your favourite shirt failed? Don't panic, Tilli will show you how to sew a new one on.

Denim jumpsuit with press studs
Source:Zara / Pinterest

Choose the right press stud

There are two types of snap fasteners: sew-on or rivet-on. Sew-on snaps are, as their name suggests, to be sewn onto your garment. They're relatively easy to fit and can be easily unstitched, since they don't alter the fabric.

Rivet snap fasteners, on the other hand, don't require any sewing, just a pair of rivet darts. Handling is straightforward, but installation is definitive, since the rivet pierces the fabric.

Sew a press stud by hand

In the first instance, make a clear distinction between the male and female parts.

The male part of your button (the one with the stem) is sewn on the back of the garment whereas the female part (the one with the hollow), is sewn on the right side.

Once you've done this, start by sewing the male part, taking care to make 4 to 5 stitches in each hole of the button. Then move on to the female part, making sure it's positioned opposite the male part. As you can see, it's not that complicated!

Sportswear Trousers with open sides and press stud closure
Source:With Chic
Prada orange jacket with press studs

Good to know

Choose metal snaps for thick fabrics;

Choose plastic snaps for thin and light fabrics;

Note that the larger the diameter of the snap you choose, the stronger it will be.

This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

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