Has the button on your jeans just popped off? Don't panic, we'll show you how to replace it in no time!
You can find special denim buttons, known as automatic buttons, in haberdasheries or supermarkets. They usually come with a fitting tool.
The automatic button comes in two parts: a button and a nail.
To begin with, you'll need to prepare the setting tool by attaching the two associated bits, one large and one small.
Next, you'll place the button on the large bit and the nail on the small bit. Your installation tool is ready!
Take your jeans and place the nail in the buttonhole hole of your jeans. Close the tool on itself and give it a good hammering.
All that's left to do is remove the setting tool and admire your new jeans button, securely fastened!
You see, it's ultra simple!"
Please note that the fitting tool is not essential. You can perfectly well apply your button without it.