How do I repair a woollen jumper with a hole in it?

A hole in a woollen jumper is like a cake without chocolate: it's a disaster! The end of the world!

But does that mean we should throw away our jumper and start mourning?

Well, no! Tilli explains how to repair the hole and preserve your favourite jumper!

Tightly knitted dark grey wool fabric

Wool, a knitted fabric

As opposed to fabrics made of weft and warp threads, fabrics made of knitwear are made up of a knitted surface, in a more or less fine manner. This is therefore the case with wool.

And while we're used to repairing the hole in a cotton fabric, for example,
it's much more difficult to repair the hole in a woollen knit.

For all that, you should know that
it's just as doable, you just need to know the technique.

How do I repair a hole in my wool?

So let's get to the point: to repair the hole in your woollen jumper, you're going to have to perform the warp and weft technique right where your stitch is damaged! You'll perform the operation on the reverse side of your jumper and use a yarn whose colour is as close to wool as possible.

So you'll needle-stitch a series of perpendicular stitches, from left to right and then from top to bottom, until you cover the surface of the hole. Finish with a stop stitch.

Warp/weft yarns and knitted stitch diagrams
Bonne gueule
So, what do you think? Are you ready to get started with warp and weft?
Don't hesitate to contact one of our Tillists if you have any doubts about this technique.
And if the hole in your jumper is due to
an attack of moths, check out our article devoted to these heartless beasts. We reveal our secrets for dealing with them and saving your jumper.
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

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