How do you cinch a dress?

You've found a very pretty dress but it doesn't really show you off.

It certainly lacks cinching at the waist, perhaps even at the back or shoulders.

Let's take a look at what can be done.

Waisted dress
Source:French Poetry

What is bending used for?

Often we fall for a garment but the size doesn't really fit. So often, short of wanting to look like a potato sack, we reluctantly put it back on the rack.

Yet on a good number of pieces,
retouching is far from insurmountable.
It's often a case of bending, which you could simply take care of once you're back home.
Bending or adjusting the garment to your size, so that it fits your shape perfectly.

For a few euros more,
you can also have one of our Tillistes come straight to your home to make any alterations you may need.

In other words, it means you no longer have to put your favourites back on the shelves for a simple size problem.

Wonderful, isn't it?

How do you cinch a dress?

Now, let's talk about that oversized dress you've been crushing on.
Put it back on, but upside down and
try to see where it doesn't fit. At the waist, most likely. At the armholes perhaps?

Pin up any excess fabric and thread through. Ideally there should be two of you for this step, or you can put the dress on a couture dummy.

Then check that
the fit is right for your size and get ready for sewing.
You'll be able to sew along the welt and remove the welt afterwards as it's no longer of any use to you. Trim the excess fabric, leaving a good centimetre of margin.
Iron the seam and try your dress again.
So, doesn't it fit perfectly at your waist?

Dress fitted with fabric belt
If the adjustment needs to be made in different places (waist, armholes, back...), proceed in the same way.
Don't forget that you can call in a Tillist if you feel the need. This will ensure you get an absolutely perfect finish.
And remember this:
anything is possible!
You can start from scratch with a garment just because you love its fabric.
You can
shrink the length of a dress, or on the contrary, lengthen it. You can also customise it in the most peculiar way, thanks to upcycling.
In short,
never curb your desires or your creativity.
This article was written with the best intentions for our clients thanks to Chloé

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