The shirt for beginners
Sewing a shirt is a complicated job, but it's also the dream of many of us. So today, we're explaining how to sew a shirt that's ultra simple and accessible to beginner seamstresses.Posted 4 ans
How can you customise your T-shirt with just a pair of scissors?
Tilli is taking up the challenge and today presents four ways to customise your t-shirt in less than two, using just one accessory: the scissors.Posted 4 ans
Double up on your skater skirt
There were summers when the flared skirt, also known as the skater skirt, dethroned the ultra-tight shorts. The fantastic thing about the flared skirt is that it adapts to many body types: petite, tall, slim or luscious. To keep it from riding up your thighs and to give it a quality lift, consider doubling it. We explain how!Posted 4 ans
Become your own designer and imagine your own wardrobe thanks to upcycling
Upcycling is much more than just a trend. On a global and fashion scale, it represents a real little revolution! It is the art of giving new life to your used clothes by adding value to them. In other words, imagine an old pair of jeans that you've loved for years but can no longer wear today. Thanks to upcycling, not only will you be able to reuse those jeans, but you'll love them even more than before!Posted 4 ans
How can upcycling give women's dressing rooms a new lease of life?
Most of us have dressing rooms full of clothes we don't wear. We crowd, stack, multiply, out of love of fashion, fear of lack or addiction. At a time when over-consumption questions many of us, we at Tilli were also keen to plant our little seed in the wonderful - and sometimes unforgiving - world of fashion. We wanted to talk to you about responsible consumption and upcycling or the art of transforming your wardrobe.Posted 4 ans
How do I sew sleeves onto a top?
You're desperate to sew yourself that little top you saw in the latest Vogue but you're terrified of its sleeves!They look so intricate. And how do you put sleeves on a top? Tilli explains it all in this article, fear not, soon sleeves will hold no secrets for you!Posted 4 ans