A fire or water damage occurs at your Tilli Artisan's during the mission.
A burglar steals the clothes you entrusted to us.
The warranty covers all the clothes entrusted to our couturiers for the duration of the order.
This insurance is offered to you by Tilli and is valid for all orders placed via the platform.
Tous dommages corporels, matériels et immatériels consécutifs confondus | 9.000.000€ par année d’assurance | 150€ sur tout dommage autre que corporel |
Dont :
| 9.000.000€ par année d’assurance 1.200.000€ par année d’assurance 35.000€ par sinistre | |
Autres garanties : | ||
Faute inexcusable(dommages corporels) | 2.000.000€ par année d’assurance dont 1.000.000€ par sinistre | 380€ |
Atteinte accidentelle à l’environnement(tous dommages confondus) | 750.000€ par année d’assurance | 100€ sur tout dommage autre que corporel |
Dommages immatériels non consécutifs | 100.000€ par année d’assurance 35.000€ par sinistre | |
Dommages aux biens confiés (selon extension aux conditions particulières) y. c. frais de reconstitution de documents/ médias confiés | 100.000€ par année d’assurance 35.000€ par sinistre | |
Défense | Inclus dans la garantie mise en jeu | Selon la franchise de la garantie mise en jeu |
Recours | 20.000€ par litige | Seuil d’intervention : 380€ |
Responsabilité environnementale | 35 000€ par année d’assurance | 1 500€ par sinistre |
The damage suffered by property held by the insured under a paid deposit agreement or which is entrusted to him for sale or rental;
The damage suffered by property rented or loaned to the insured or held by him under a lease or lease-purchase agreement;
The damage caused during transport. However, if the insured is not a professional carrier, the guarantee is acquired when they themselves carry out transport in addition to the activities defined in the contract;
The damage suffered by cash, valuables such as securities, jewellery, gemstones, fine pearls, precious metal objects, hard stones, statues, paintings, collections, objects belonging to the art market, furs;
Objects that are essentially fragile, such as glassware, porcelain, terracotta, plaster, statues, ceramics, faience, mirrors;
The objects in poor condition at the time of the loss;
The theft, loss or total or partial disappearance of the goods entrusted. However, the theft of movable property within the premises of the establishments covered by the service contract is guaranteed in the event of:
The insured's employees during or in connection with their duties,
third parties when the insured's liability is engaged as a result of negligence to himself or his employees.
as well as the intangible damages resulting therefrom.